Update 3: Little progress, big ideas

A new idea to monetize an existing project.

Update 3: Little progress, big ideas

I've been super busy this past week scaling up with the Recipe Kit team; hiring a part-time VA, tier 2 customer support employees, and bringing on someone else to help with tier 1 customer support, too.

All in all, it means very little (read: zero) progress on helpgen.ai - which, after looking at the calendar and reading Aurnik's newest post, I am realizing is likely to be my only project I can launch in the next month or so. I will be taking most of December off to spend time with family in Costa Rica, but the website is so close to completion (just working on Stripe billing and fine tuning the prompts) that it should be easy enough to finish up by December 31st.

I do think there is a route to monetizing runclubs.ca - potentially through releasing an entire run club management system (I did just purchase the domain runclubs.sh as a potential outlet for that). Otherwise, the site is getting a bunch of traffic despite it being posted nowhere except on this website and a small Twitter post when first launched. That gives me hope that organic SEO will continue bringing traffic - it's just a matter of monetizing it somehow.

At the end of the day, run clubs are great free activities for people to do - so while the 'goal' is to make some money, I wonder if there is some way to monetize run clubs through exclusive running groups, etc.

Something to explore over the next weeks.